Officially a Mom of Three

Happy Saturday, sweet friend.

It’s nice to see you. How has your week been? Good, or even great, I hope!

Things here at Casa MBB have been a little crazy!

In the span of a week, we adopted rescue dog Marnie Marie, and we’ve jumped into the deep end of all things puppy —crate training, house training, vet visiting (for a well-check appointment), behavior training, seriously, all the training.

I think the fact that she’s an Aussie takes things to the next level, too.

I didn’t realize just how unique it is to live with a herding dog until I saw her belly sail over me as she leapt over my couch and dove into the cushions like it was nothing.

Side note, when this happened, I swear it was all in slow motion! Have you ever had a dog jump over you in a high rainbow arch? IT IS INSANE.

It’s been a big change for all of us, and to be honest, I don’t know if I was quite ready for the intensity of the upheaval of our lives, but that’s just how the world keeps turning, I guess. I can’t help but think of something my wise old landlady, Lucy, told me years ago when I mentioned that I wasn’t sure if I was ready for the big changes in marriage. She said, “You’re never going to be ready for anything,” and it was some of the best advice I ever received.

I’ve still yet to figure out how to balance everything I want to get done. All week long I’ve been trying to find the time and mental space to write, and I’ve been anxious about not getting as much time at the keyboard as I’d like.

I know I just have to give everyone in our house, including myself, lots of grace.

Anyway, thank you for listening.

Have a good rest of your Saturday. I’m off to take Connor to dance rehearsals for a few shows that are coming up. Yup, May is another big dance month for her! I’m so lucky that I get to care for some many sweet daughters. I’m officially a mom of three now.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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